Banyan (level 3.2)

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Defying gravity,
the banyan shoots
grow up and down.

Their ropy arms are
the color of smoke.
The glossy green
the memory of summer.

Like that almost-forgotten
spot inside the border
of a painting frame,
breezes move grass and leaves.

Children swing and play here.
Their laughter quiet
as the gentle hush of stars.

Bonus Material:

  1. Banyans are the national tree of both India and Bangladesh.
  2. A banyan is a kind of fig tree, though its fruits aren’t safe to eat.
  3. Fig wasps and fruit-eating birds help disperse the banyan’s seeds.
  4. The Ringling Museum has 14 banyans on its property—some of which were around in the times of John and Mabel Ringling (1920s).